3 Haziran 2013 Pazartesi

The Dull World Of Communism

Communist ideology has produced a noticeably conservative, rigid, colorless society. To understand this, one needs only recall Communists' attitude toward their own citizens. As stressed earlier, the materialist philosophy at the root of Communism sees a human being as composed only of matter. It denies the existence of a human soul or spirit, claiming that human consciousness is nothing more than a product of "matter in motion." To the materialist, therefore, human beings are only advanced machines. All their thoughts and feelings are deemed to be the results of chemical reactions happening within the machine.
In other words, materialists believe that the cells and the atoms composing us have consciousness, the ability to think, see and hear, take pleasure in beauty, and feel sorrow when confronted with bad experiences. If you asked these people if an atom can think, they would certainly say no, but they do think that thinking ability arises when some atoms come together to form the brain.
Moreover, Marxist ideology supposes that all of human culture and consciousness is materially based. According to Communist thinking, no independent consciousness exists apart from the material world around us. On the contrary, human consciousness is experienced completely within the world of matter. Marx claimed that, "It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness."54 Ludwig Feuerbach, one leading Marxist thinker, summed up the nonsense of materialist logic when he declared, "a person is what he eats."
Because of their materialist prejudice, Marxists view human society in terms of material criteria. They concentrate much of their attention on the idea of "class" as a material concept. Class refers to the various economic levels in a society and, for Marxists, is the only important criterion. According to Marxists, for example, workers make up a single class called the "proletariat"; capitalists compose the "bourgeoisie" class. Because all workers live in unsuitable conditions, therefore, they must share the same "proletarian consciousness." In the same way, capitalists must all share a "bourgeois" consciousness because they all share in the same wealth. Marxists don't accept that a worker or a factory owner might possibly have a totally different consciousness arising from his own independent character or world view.55
A natural result of this point of view is to divide people into separate material categories and evaluate them accordingly. For a Marxist, the only existing categories—such as the bourgeoisie, the little (or petite) bourgeoisie, the proletariat, imperialists and compradors—are completely based on material factors. If a person works in a factory with his own hands, his existence is determined by the work he does. If a villager works in the fields, his only consciousness is that of a villager.
The cold faces of Lenin, Engels and Marx adorning important places in every Communist regime.
Because of this point of view, Marxists claim that the course of history's only determinant is the "means of production." Marx's famous Das Kapital tries to interpret history in terms of means of production. According to Marx, "primitive society" was a group of hunter-gatherers. With the switch to agriculture, a society of "serfs" was born. Later "feudal society" developed, along with new changes in the kind of production. When machines were invented, a new kind of production called industry came to be. With it came "capitalist society." According to Marx, such concepts as religion, state, law, family and morality all arose and developed from differences in the kinds of production.
Marxism's narrow view of history has been disproved by the explanations of many thinkers, to say nothing of concrete experience. Therefore, there's no reason to demonstrate that invalidity here, only to focus on the conservative, dull, rigid, colorless society that a materialist enterprise produces.
Contrary to the Marxist belief, the human spirit or soul isn't a material product. On the contrary, what we call matter is seen, heard and felt by spirit. Therefore, it's not possible to define the human spirit in terms of the material conditions in which it finds itself. God created the human spirit with various aspects and tendencies, such as intelligence, imagination, feelings and desires. No matter what circumstances a person finds himself in, these tendencies will not change; they will only be expressed in a different way.
God created the first man and gave him the same qualities and skills as today's human beings. For this reason, our level consciousness does not differ according to the place or time we live in. The will, feelings, thoughts and mind of the very first human being in history are the same as for anyone living today. The only difference is the means he uses to express them. An individual's level of consciousness varies according to how he uses the mental skills he has been given and the urgings of his conscience. Muslims, who are conscious of this, are not limited by time, location, environment or particular ideological ideas. As God has commanded them in the Qur'an, they ponder everything that happens to them, trying to grasp its subtleties and see its beauty. In the Qur'an (2:164), God describes the believer's consciousness:
In the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of the night and day, and the ships which sail the seas to people's benefit, and the water which God sends down from the sky—by which He brings the earth to life when it was dead and scatters about in it creatures of every kind—and the varying direction of the winds, and the clouds subservient between heaven and earth, there are Signs for people who use their intellect.
For this reason, those who believe in God have a wide horizon. They always think freely, and are endlessly creative in various fields of art and aesthetics.
Unable to grasp this truth, Marx and his followers tried to cram human consciousness in the extremely narrow, fabricated mould of "class-consciousness." They forced everyone they could influence to think and live in these imaginary terms. In every country where Marxism took root, just as it murdered tens of millions with no remorse, so it froze human expression in art, aesthetics, and other expressions of the human spirit.

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